Wallpaper is sometimes unfairly written off when it comes to interior design – people think they can never find the right place for it in their home. Well in this article we run through some of the best spots for wallpaper in the home that you might not have thought of and give some reasons as to why wallpaper should be at the forefront of your minds when it comes to decorating!
- Cloakroom
Ok so this might not be the most glamorous place in the home and you’d be forgiven for thinking it doesn’t need extravagant decoration but, a wallpapered cloakroom can make the world of difference for guests. Wallpaper can turn the cloakroom from an ugly necessity to an area that has so much life and brings an air of class to the whole home. This one might seem obvious in certain circumstances; bedroom wallpapers for kids are classic for good reason! There’s so much you can do with colourful, exciting wallpaper that kids love. It lets you turn their room into an exciting jungle, pirate ship or football pitch and gives the young imagination free roam. However, wallpapered bedrooms aren’t just for the little ones! Adding wallpaper to the master bedroom can also bring that air of playfulness for you too, after all, the place where you spend over a third of your life ought to have some excitement! Wallpaper is so cost effective too, compared to artwork or getting a decorator in to paint the walls it’s a great way to save money and still have great home design.
2. Bedroom
This one might seem obvious in certain circumstances; bedroom wallpapers for kids are classic for good reason! There’s so much you can do with colourful, exciting wallpaper that kids love. It lets you turn their room into an exciting jungle, pirate ship or football pitch and gives the young imagination free roam. However, wallpapered bedrooms aren’t just for the little ones! Adding wallpaper to the master bedroom can also bring that air of playfulness for you too, after all, the place where you spend over a third of your life ought to have some excitement! Wallpaper is so cost effective too, compared to artwork or getting a decorator in to paint the walls it’s a great way to save money and still have great home design. 3Feature Walls
3. Feature Walls
We all have walls in our home that we aren’t sure what to do with. The empty space represents a big hole in what is otherwise welcoming and put-together home. A wallpaper here can be a chance to show off your eye for art and design. What’s more, you can get a personalised one that really shows off your artistic capabilities and will wow your guests while making the whole space feel more homely. An affordable wallpaper can be just as impressive as a great piece of artwork when done right.
4. Somewhere Personal
This one is a little vague but it comes down to wherever is personal to you! Wallpaper isn’t always about showing off and making your home look great for guests – sometimes it’s just for you. Personalised wallpaper can hold a huge amount of personal meaning as well as looking great. A wallpaper of your family photos can make your wall feel so much more unique as well as reminding you of what’s most important. This could be in a dressing room, inside a wardrobe or a private office – wherever you want!
5. Corridor
Corridors are often thought of as purely functional; they are transitional spaces that don’t need decoration. Well, frankly, this couldn’t be further from the truth. A bland, boring corridor can negatively impact one’s perception of an entire house or apartment. It makes the space feel empty, uninhabited and (in the worst cases) outright creepy. The introduction of some wallpaper can completely counteract the risks of a plain corridor, turning the boring and practical into a much more enticing space. What’s more, sprucing up corridors makes the rooms of a home look much better by association!