Nine Cool Personalised Wallpaper Ideas

Deciding how you want to decorate the walls in your home can be difficult. Finding something that’s personal, stylish and suits the room is tricky but, never fear; designing your own wallpaper from photos and images is a great way to create something beautiful and unique to you. But, I hear you cry, what kinds of photos are best for a cool wallpaper? Well, I’ve put together a list of nine potential wallpaper ideas that could work for you!

  1. Classic Paintings
    A collage of the most well-loved paintings from across history is a great way to bring some stunning beauty into the home. Wow your houseguests with a wall that has a greater selection of art than most museums! You might be worried about the end result being too much, but just check the photo below to see how well these designs turn out! Check out Wikipedia, Free-images or for images!
A personalised wallpaper of classic paintings

2. Family Photos
These wallpapers tend to be more popular with grandparents but we think they’re great for everyone! Your favourite photos of all the family can be turned into a great feature wall as multiple generations can be shown side by side. They look great and act as a reminder of what you love the most in the world.

3. Wedding Photos
Okay, so a massive wall of photos from your special day might seem a bit full on so this is a design more for a smaller feature wall but a wallpaper is a lovely way to commemorate one of the most exciting moments of your life. Wedding wallpapers are a great present for newlyweds and serve as a personal and gorgeous monument to when they tied the knot.

4. Sporting Stars
As a child, I loved football more than anything; I had posters of Liverpool players plastered across my room but little did my parents know they could have saved time and effort by incorporating my passion into the design of my bedroom walls themselves. What’s especially great about these wallpapers is that you can include photos of your child in amongst their heroes giving the wallpaper a personalised feel that kids love.

5. Free Domain Photos
Lots of art is obviously copyrighted and hence difficult to get a hold of but you’d be surprised how many great images are accessible to the general public! Check out these websites and see for yourself!

       6. Your Own Artwork/Photos
Using your own photographs or artwork as a wallpaper is a great way to showcase what you’ve been doing. All you need is a digital copy of the artwork (a high quality scan/photo is perfect) and you can hang it as wallpaper. This can be in amongst all your favourite pieces or alongside classic paintings from history. Wallpaper is the perfect way to display your art and in doing so decorate your home in a way that is personal and stylish.

7. Movie Posters
If you’re a film nut like me you’ll be excited to know that some stunning classic movie posters are available in the public domain. A collage of old-school movie posters would look amazing and give a cool retro feel to a room in your home.

8. Video Game/Comic Book Characters
In a similar style to movie posters, pictures of video game/comic book characters can make a great wallpaper. These can be great for kids’ bedrooms or anywhere that you think needs fun and colourful decor. Comic Books in particular can give a pop art feel to a room and bring so much life into the home.

9. Pictures Of The Natural World
A collage of natural phenomena turns a room into an escape from city life and the English winter. You can use pictures of wild animals, the rainforest, the sea or simply a beautiful sunset – decorating your home can be a chance to break free from reality and the everyday. This kind of wallpaper not only looks great but also helps you keep in mind how beautiful the world can be.

You can get all these kinds of wallpaper right here at SelfieWallpaper! Just collate the photographs and head here to start today! Do it your way with SelfieWallpaper.

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